Sunday, October 9, 2011

One Patholological Fear All Men Share

Pathological fears have created anxieties in many people all over the World.  Anxieties or phobias produced by a fear of  . . . falling, heights, certain animals, spiders, clowns, et cetera. Typically these fears are usually unique to the person with the fear.  However, for men--we all share one common pathological fear; that we might not live up to our lover's expectations.

As men--we will never own up to having this fear, but it does exist. Incredulous, I know; however, true—especially when they're with a woman for the very first time. Not being able to totally satisfy our women every time we make love to them tops the list as the most common of fears. 

Here's why . . . , as a man prepare to make love to a woman--especially for the first time--his ego sits on his shoulder, whispers in his ear, and ask questions such as; "What if I am not so good in bed?” “What if I can’t fully satisfy her?” “What if she thinks I’m too small?” “What if I go soft on her or even worse—ejaculate too soon?” “What if the experience ends up being a complete disappointment?” 

It is at this moment that men become vulnerable and transparent. Our fear of being an inadequate bed mate; caused by the nervousness of our overall ability to--I hate this word--perform strikes causing the sexual quality experienced by our partners to suffer.    

Ladies, although we could use your help to get over our anxieties, we're not going to ask for it.  We won't even ask for directions; what makes you think that we are going to give you the perception that we are stressing about our ability to totally satisfy you?  No, we're not going to incriminate ourselves like that. 

However; for women, there is good news. Although we still have a long way to go--more and more men are embracing the chance to be educated by their wives or partners.  If men and women learn to openly share their thoughts regarding their desires and needs; the pathological fear of a man will cease to exist. We'll be able to make love to our spouses or partners with confidence. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for submitting this blog. I did not realize that men share this triat
